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Compass Primary School

Safeguarding Policy

The Brooke Weston Trust policy for Safeguarding and Child Protection is to;

·         Protect children from maltreatment;

·         Preventing impairment of children’s physical and mental health or development;

·         Ensure that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and    effective care;

·         and take action to enable all children to have the best outcomes.

Please use the following link to access our policy for Safeguarding & Child Protection and our policy for Child on Child Abuse. 

Attached below is our school-specific Child-Friendly Safeguarding Guidance. The aim of this document is to support children to understand how to keep themselves safe in school; who they can talk to if they are feeling worried or unsafe; and the explanations/possible indicators of abuse. 

Included within this presentation is the NSPCC PANTS Rule which promotes safe touch and respecting our private parts. Children are regularly reminded of this information within assemblies and during class discussions. Attached below are also parent/carer guides to discuss this further with your child at home.