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Compass Primary School



In EYFS and Year 1, all our pupils follow a high-quality, systematic programme of phonics teaching following the Read Write Inc teaching programme. Our phonics teaching makes strong links between blending for reading, segmenting for spelling and handwriting. We encourage all of our pupils to apply their phonic knowledge when spelling. 

In Year 1, additional to the above, all pupils (across the year) are expected to be able to spell Year 1 Common Exception words as outlined in the National Curriculum through weekly spelling tests. 

From Year 2 onwards, pupils are taught the age-related spelling content using a published scheme ‘No Nonsense Spelling’. This scheme of work provides us with a manageable tool for meeting the requirements of the 2014 National Curriculum, has a clear progression through blocks of teaching units across the year and supports our teachers with the teaching of spelling by linking our pedagogical identity. A typical learning sequence looks like:

No Nonsense Spelling also provides the following strategies, which are introduced incrementally, through the programme. These are shared with our families and can be used to support pupils’ spelling across school and at home.