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Compass Primary School

Early Closure Procedure

In advance:
In the event of severe weather (or other emergency), the school would be closed only if it was unsafe to open (or remain open). In practice this would mean having enough staff to adequately supervise the children and the site itself, including access, was safe. The state of the roads, current weather conditions and advice from the local authority and police would also be taken into account. Action short of closure would also be considered, e.g. opening later or opening for certain year groups. The decision to close the school would be made by the Principal in consultation with senior staff. We would inform you as early as possible to avoid unnecessary disruption. 

During the school day:
Although every effort will be made to avoid doing so, it may be necessary to close the school early. This decision would not be taken lightly and again, the safety of children, staff and parents would be the key consideration. The state of the roads, current weather conditions and advice from the local authority and police would be taken into account. The decision to close the school would be made by the Principal in consultation with senior staff.

Children should be collected from their usual door unless otherwise instructed.  Children will not normally be allowed to walk home unaccompanied in severe weather conditions. A staff team will remain in school until the last child is collected.

If the decision is made to close the school either in advance or during the school day, it will be communicated to you in the following ways:

  • E-mail using ParentMail. 
  • Message on Class Dojo
  • If we are unable to contact you in this way, we will attempt to phone you on the work, home and mobile numbers you have provided.
  • The school website:
  • Twitter & Facebook

You can help us by making sure that you have signed up for the text / e-mail service, your contact details are up to date and that we know who has permission to collect your children if you are unable to. If the weather is bad, please check the school website before you set out.